H O M E S , M O R T G A G E S , F I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G & I N S U R A N C E
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M74
The State of Wedding Finances
Weddings come with a big price tag. Here’s how couples today feel about wedding costs
By Carley Lintz, CTW Features
Wedding are a big celebration, and rightfully so, but they
also cost a pretty penny.
In fact, 86 percent of Americans feel that the average wed-
ding ($30,000 in 2015) is too expensive.
The engagement itself can also prove to be a big expense
and while diamonds are forever, couples don’t want to break
the bank on a ring. Almost 3 out of 4 women surveyed (73
percent) said that they would be willing to accept a used
engagement ring. Men were a little less willing to propose
with a used ring. Just over half (54 percent) would pop the
question with a used ring, but only if it costs half as much
as an identical new ring.
And don’t believe that three-months salary rule. Twen-
ty-eight percent said that one month’s take home pay was
acceptable while only four percent said spending more than
three month’s take home pay was acceptable.
With the costs of weddings so high, many Americans feel
that wedding costs should be a shared burden. Fifty-one
percent of respondents believe that the cost should be split
between the couple and their parents. Only 11 percent went
the traditional route stating that the bride’s parents are
responsible for funding the nuptials.
Nearly six in 10 Americans surveyed also said that a dream
wedding isn’t worth racking up serious debt, no matter
who is paying.
Though it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and
fervor of an engagement, one of the best ways to avoid
runaway wedding costs is by planning ahead.
Start saving as soon as you know a wedding is in the future.
Establishing a wedding fund will allow you to effectively
budget, avoid taking on significant debts and could ensure
your other financial obligations don’t get off track.
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