H O M E S , M O R T G A G E S , F I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G & I N S U R A N C E
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M72
The last question for the
remodeler, but certainly
not the least important, is,
“What happens if I discover
a construction error after the
warranty period?” Quality
remodelers stand behind
their work even when a latent
material or workmanship
problem is discovered after
the warranty period ends.
To verify the accuracy of a
remodeler’s responses, ask
for at least three referrals to
people for whom the remodeler has done the same type of work. Since the remodeler
will be providing the list of referrals, you would expect them to say they are satisfied
with the work done. You should go beyond that and gather more in-depth details with
questions, such as:
• Is the finished project what you thought it would be? (The answer to this should tell
you if the remodeler is good at communicating what you will ultimately get.)
• Was the project completed on time? Were there any big surprises along the way?
(These inquiries will help you gauge whether or not the remodeler’s processes are
standardized and under control.)
• Did you have to ask the remodeler to correct problems you found during the
construction process? (The answer to this will show if the remodeler has high quality
• As the job progressed, how did the remodeler keep you informed and address any of
your concerns? (This speaks to the remodeler’s desire to keep customers satisfied from
start to finish.)
• Did you have cause to call the remodeler back after the job was complete? For what
reason? How long did it take to resolve the problem? (This will help you see if the
remodeler stands behind his work.)
• What changes, if any, would you make if you could do the job again? (This question
will garner useful information about the remodeler’s design expertise and ability to
anticipate your needs.)
Armed with the answers to all of these questions, you should be able to sift through
potential remodelers and find one with high quality standards.
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