H O M E S , M O R T G A G E S , F I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G & I N S U R A N C E
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M68
Time To Organize
Don’t let leftover wedding clutter takeover your home.
Act now to create order
By Lindsey Romain, CTW Features
The big day may be over, but there’s still all that stuff!
Programs, favors, gifts, cards, the dress – while your
wedding day was wonderful, you don’t want to relive it via
all the extra items in your home. In lieu of getting buried in
leftover wedding, learn to cut ties with frivolous items from
the onset.
The key is to only keep things that will be important and
memorable after the wedding. If someone gave a card at the
wedding or reception that only had a signature on it, there’s
really nothing terribly special about it.
Here are some tips for keeping on top of post-wedding
Ask yourself a few important questions before starting the
organization process: Is this something I will use again? Is
this something that I love? Is this something that enhances
my life or makes me happy?
Remember that you can donate items to those less
fortunate. For unwanted clothing items and accessories,
like dresses or purses, sites like Donate My Dress or
NewlyMaid let you donate a used bridesmaid dress to
obtain special pricing on a new “little black dress.”
If the dress stays in the picture, be sure it’s stored in acid
free paper before going into a box. Most reputable dry
cleaners that offer bridal gown services will place the dress
in this already. Make sure the dress is cased in plastic or a
garbage bag.
The temptation to keep extra decorations might be present,
but only keep the things that will be used for sure and that
are meaningful to you. These items can go into a memory
bin or be preserved in a photo album or scrapbook. The
only papers from wedding preparation that should be kept
are ones that will be referenced later, like a guest list, which
can serve as a checklist for thank-you letters.
Wedding gifts don’t have to pile on even more stress if
they’re dealt with right away. For excess items that need
to be returned, get it all done at once.
Depending on your schedule, it might be easier to tackle
one store a day, or get it all done in one longer day. Better to
get unwanted items out of the house as soon as you’re able.
If the gifts can’t be returned, donate them or pass them
along to a friend or family member as a gift.
The bride may want to recruit some help in these tasks –
especially the groom. Ask the wedding party and family
members to help with collecting memories, returning new
items and purging old ones. Sometimes company makes the
whole process a lot more enjoyable!
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