H O M E S , M O R T G A G E S , F I N A N C I A L P L A N N I N G & I N S U R A N C E
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M70
Ask The Right
Questions To Find
A Quality Remodeler
To ensure a successful remodeling project, you need to do some probing with a very specific list
of questions for your prospective remodelers — and their customers. Ask these questions to help
narrow the field and lead you to a customer-focused, quality remodeler.
You are more likely to be satisfied by a remodeler focused
on quality and customer satisfaction, which you can find
by asking the right questions. Here is a suggested group
of questions to help you accomplish the ultimate goal:
satisfaction with the finished job, whether the project is
a remodeled kitchen or bath or a room addition or some
other change to the house.
As is the case in most business situations, in order to
make an educated decision, you need more information
than may be provided initially by the remodeler. Two
sets of questions will help probe beneath the surface of a
newspaper ad or a listing in the yellow pages or a brochure.
The first set of questions is for the remodeler and the
second set is for his client referrals.
Start by asking a couple of questions about the remodeler’s
specific satisfaction ratings. Answers to questions like,
“What are your customer satisfaction levels?” and, “How
do you gauge satisfaction?” should be helpful indicators.
Also ask what percent of business is repeat customers or
referrals. Quality remodelers not only have good results,
they think it is important to get customer satisfaction
feedback and use it to improve. Remodelers who are
particularly proud of their customer satisfaction ratings
may show you completed client surveys.
With this information in hand, move on to the timing
question: “What do you do to make sure that the project
will be completed on schedule?” A green light response
includes the remodeler describing a well-planned
remodeling process that leaves little to chance. Quality
remodelers have reliable, well-defined construction
processes that prevent unpleasant and unnecessary
surprises. The best remodelers have documented
You also want to be able to depend on good workmanship
quality. A remodeler worth consideration should be able
to answer the question, “How do you make sure that
workmanship quality is up to your standards?” Quality
remodelers have long-term relationships with qualified
craftsmen and use a formal inspection process to constantly
reinforce the company’s quality standards with these
Because the home remodeling industry is highly
competitive, quality remodelers often “go the extra mile”
to set themselves apart from their peers and to stay abreast
of developing industry issues. Find out if your remodeler
is active in a trade organization such as the NAHB
Remodelors Council and if he has won any industry awards
such as the National Remodeling Quality Award.
Next, take into account that the remodeler you choose will
be in your home, interacting with you and your family on a
daily basis. Quality remodelers should be able to keep you
satisfied throughout the construction process by keeping
you informed of project status, addressing your concerns,
respecting your privacy, and minimizing disruption to your
day-to-day activities. Specifically ask how the remodeler
will do these things.
(continued on page 72)