From artists to administrators,
People of Lyric
takes you
behind the scenes and introduces you to the casts and
characters who make up the Lyric family.
Now, it’s your chance to take center stage! Whether you’re
a donor, subscriber, or newly-minted opera fan, we want to
hear from you. Submit your own video, photo, or Lyric story
lyricopera.org/PeopleOfLyricfor the chance to win
tickets, gift certificates, swag and more.
LYRICOPERA.ORG/PEOPLEOFLYRICDo you have opera questions?
Roger Pines — Lyric’s dramaturg and resident opera answer
man — is here to help. Submit your opera questions using our
form, email
askroger@lyricopera.org, or tweet #LyricRoger!