B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M24
Fresh Summer-Food Ideas
For the tastiest warm-weather nosh, think local
By Bev Bennett, CTW Features
Whether you and your family prepare the food for your
wedding celebration or you hire a caterer, you can save
money if you keep your menu and venue close to home.
Using local products and resources says that you’re an
ecologically sensitive person, while your wallet signals that
you’re a smart consumer. Local is cheaper, and it’s green.
Of course, you don’t want to sacrifice sophistication for the
sake of your budget, and you don’t have to. Embracing the
local-food trend allows you to have an exciting menu and
the backdrop of your dreams.
When planning the food, see what’s available at your
farmer’s market. Find out what’s being harvested close
to your wedding date and incorporate the ingredients
in dishes.
For example, if it’s peach season, make the Bellini your
signature drink; add sliced peaches to a salad or offer mini
peach shortcakes on the dessert table.
Watermelon salad, starting with a farmer’s market melon, is
a summer favorite for weddings. Even if you can’t cook you
can make that. Chop up the flesh of three watermelons; add
crumbled feta cheese and mint. Spike with a little vodka or
tequila, if you like, and serve 50 guests.
Don’t be shy about announcing your sources, either. Add
a line to the menu telling where the food comes from.
Choosing an untraditional but local wedding site also may
help you rein in food costs.
Take a wedding on the beach at sunset. It’s more than
a romantic setting; it’s an excuse to host a do-it-yourself
grill menu.
Put out a grill and grill oysters until they pop open. You
can buy satay (Indonesian skewered meat or chicken served
with peanut sauce) at an upscale supermarket and grill that
as well.
Use your creativity. Take the opportunity of a wedding and
make it fun.
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