music director,
conductor, and harpsichord
One of the youngest students ever accepted into
the conducting programs of Tanglewood and
Aspen, Jeannette Sorrell also holds an Artist
Diploma from the Oberlin Conservatory. She
studied conducting under Robert Spano, Roger
Norrington, and Leonard Bernstein, and harp-
sichord with Gustav Leonhardt in Amsterdam.
Sorrell won both the top prize and the Audience
Choice Award in the
Spivey International
Harpsichord Competition, comprising over
musicians from across Europe, Israel, the Unit-
ed States, and Russia. Having led Apollo’s Fire
since founding the ensemble in
, she has
twice earned special recognition from the Na-
tional Endowment for the Arts for her work
on earl American music, an award from the
American Musicological Society, two awards
from the Cleveland Arts Prize, and an honor-
ary doctorate from Case Western University. As
a guest conductor, Sorrell recently made debuts
with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and this win-
ter she will make her Kennedy Center debut
leading the National Symphony Orchestra in
. Her credits also include the
New World Symphony, Los Angeles Chamber
Orchestra, Seattle Symphony, Utah Symphony,
Opera eatre of Saint Louis with the Saint Lou-
is Symphony, and the Handel and Haydn Soci-
ety of Boston, as well as appearances as a guest
soloist with the Cleveland Orchestra. Sorrell
earned particular acclaim in
for substitut-
ing for conductor Richard Egarr on short notice
for Bach’s complete Brandenburg Concertos at
the Houston Early Music Festival, also playing
the harpsichord solo in the
h concerto. She
has created an apprentice program with Apollo’s
Fire and has also led several Baroque projects
for students at Oberlin, and she is a frequent
guest coach at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
ier Brault
hails from
Montreal and brings
communicative en-
thusiasm and schol-
arship to concerts
America and Europe.
He joined Apollo’s
Fire in
, and he also regularly performs as
a soloist or concertmaster in several Canadian
ensembles, including Ensemble Caprice, Les
Boréades de Montréal, and Quatuor Franz Jo-
seph. He holds a doctorate from the University
of Montreal, where he specialized in th-centu-
ry violin repertoire. He has led workshops and
master classes at the Montreal Conservatory
of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, Brussels Roy-
al Conservatory of Music, Paris Conservatory,
McGill University, Case Western Reserve Uni-
versity, Penn State University, and University
of Michigan. He has participated in over
recordings, many award-winning, on the Atma,
Analekta, and Avie labels, among others. In
he received the medal of the Assemblée Natio-
nale de Québec for cultural contributions to his
is sought a er as
a soloist and ensem-
ble leader and collab-
orator across the US,
having co-founded
the Acronym En-
semble and Diderot
String Quartet and
regularly performing as concertmaster of the
Washington National Cathedral Orchestra, as-
sociate principal of Apollo’s Fire, soloist with the
Four Nations Ensemble, and guest concertmas-
ter with such ensembles as NY Baroque Inc. and
Seraphic Fire. She is also a tenured member of
the Handel + Haydn Society and has appeared
with Trinity Wall Street Baroque Orchestra,
e English Concert, Les Délices, Chatham Ba-
roque, and Tenet. Born and raised in Vermont,
Post is devoted to th-century through Classi-
cal and early Romantic music, having completed
a bachelor’s degree at the Oberlin Conservatory,
where she fell in love with Baroque violin, and a
master’s degree in historical performance from
e Juilliard School.
Perry Gilmore
joys a multifaceted
career as a solo artist,
chamber musician,
and orchestral con-
certmaster, perform-
ing on both modern
and period instru-
ments. She has been featured as a chamber mu-
sic performer on the public radio shows
mance Today
A Prairie Home Companion.
Recent solo performances include the European
premiere of Jennifer Higdon’s
e Singing Rooms
for violin, choir, and orchestra in Paris at the
composer’s invitation, and Berg, Proko ev, Mo-
zart, and Korngold violin concertos, as well as
Four Seasons
(which she led from the
violin), with the Omaha Symphony, which she
serves as concertmaster. She holds a bachelor’s
degree in musicology from Oxford University
and a master’s in violin performance at the New
England Conservatory, where she was active in
the early music department. She also studied
Baroque violin and chamber music at the Ober-
lin Baroque Performance Institute.
Traverso and re-
corder player
ie Stewart
is one
of North America’s
leading Baroque ut-
ists and a founding
member of Apollo’s
Fire. Heaving earned
a master’s degree
from the Mannes School of music, she is a fac-
ulty member of the Cleveland Institute of Mu-
sic and curator of harpsichords at the Oberlin
Conservatory, where she taught Baroque ute
for nearly
years. Stewart appears on re-
cordings by Apollo’s Fire; as an avid proponent
of Celtic music, she is featured on the ensemble’s
crossover programs, including
Come to the River
Sugarloaf Mountain
. She has also performed
with the Cleveland Orchestra, Tafelmusik, the
Four Nations Ensemble, Oberlin Baroque En-
semble, and the Bach Sinfonia of Washington,
DC. She is also assistant director of the Seattle
Baroque Flute Workshop.